Greenway Media is the publisher of Greenway Magazine and Patients Magazine, and the producer of Greenway Audio Magazine.

Greenway Magazine is Missouri’s cannabis industry publication. Focused on the regulatory and business climate and culture of the state’s cannabis industries including hemp and marijuana.

Patients Magazine, focuses on community, culture, education, and information and is dedicated to patients and users of marijuana and cannabis products. Patients Magazine delivers news and features about cannabis and medical marijuana to legal state patients. Patients Magazine is uniquely for patients exploring marijuana. 

In 2021, Greenway Media moved away from traditional print publication. Greenway’s forward-thinking approach to news dissemination means no paywalls, no subscription fees, and a lower carbon footprint. 

“As an industry, we must do all we can to ensure that the imprint we leave is as negligible as possible. Currently, the cannabis industry creates more packaging waste per product than nearly any other line of goods, it is our responsibility as participants and representatives of the industry to push boundaries and bring about positive change where and when we can,” said Greenway Publisher, B.E. Dunn.

In 2022, Greenway Media began offering advertising scholarships for disenfranchised and minority-owned cannabis businesses, as well as ancillary or cannabis adjacent businesses and service providers. Greenway Media also began an ongoing policy of support for non-profit partners allowing for no-cost advertising for non-profits focusing on patient initiatives and care, social or criminal justice reform, and equity in cannabis.

The cannabis industry, as it sits today, is built on the historic disenfranchisement and exclusion of minorities, especially Black men and women. It is imperative that we find ways as an industry to bridge the gaps between a troubled past and a bright future. We cannot move forward without recognizing the disparity created in our industry by fundamental inequality and a history of misrepresentation. The cannabis community has fought to destigmatize a plant, we must fight even harder to destigmatize the individuals and families disproportionately affected by the failed war on drugs. Bringing opportunity to those who have been excluded from it, in any way that we can, is a step in the right direction,” Dunn said at the time.

In 2023, Greenway expanded the advertising scholarship program to offer all licensed micro businesses in the state an opportunity to build name and brand recognition at no cost.

In 2025, Greenway Audio Magazine, a weekly podcast from Greenway Media, was launched.

Hosted by B.E. Dunn, Greenway Magazine Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, alongside Tim Pickett, Founder of GreenFrame, the podcast brings the most compelling stories, features, and interviews from Greenway Magazine directly to listeners’ ears.

Greenway Audio Magazine offers a fresh and engaging way to stay informed about the latest developments in the cannabis industry, delivering a dynamic mix of news, insights, and expert opinions straight from Missouri cannabis leaders.



publisher [@]mogreenway.com

